Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Well, hello party people. I guess the reason I'm writing (typing) this right now, is that I'm bored out of my fudge-licking (fucking) mind. I just got back from my friend's house. We were playing a game on our PSP's called Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. You basically go around killing giant monsters and harvesting pieces of them off, and using that stuff to make more badass armour and weapons, so you can kill even more giant monsters, and it just keeps going on like that forever. For dinner, we had spaghetti with ..... Umm.... Veggie-balls..? (He's vegetarian.... I'm not, hahaha.) Anyway, it was good.

My new ex and I are still on good terms, but people keep thinking I seem detached lately and a bit depressed. If I was, everyone would know it. Hahaha. It's just that I've currently got like, four songs stuck in my head. Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down, Superman (It's Not Easy) by Five For Fighting, I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by Aerosmith, and I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister. I've tried listening to them, singing them, reading their lyrics, but nothing seems to work! I would love suggestions on how to get them out of my head. It's not like I don't like the songs, I just don't want them stuck in my head.

Anywhore, that's all I have to share for now. And remember to stay (in your own way) lewd, and demented.

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